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    Spin Hall Effect of Light and Its Applications in Measurements of Physical Parameters
    LIU Shuo-qing , CHEN Shi-zhen , LUO Hai-lu
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (2): 35-53.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.02.001
    Abstract2129)      PDF (8674KB)(3110)      
    The spin Hall effect (SHE) of light refers to the transverse spin-dependent splitting of photons with opposite spin angular momentum after the beam passes through inhomogeneous media, in the direction perpendicular to the incident plane. It can be regarded as an analogue of the SHE in electronic systems, where the spin photons and the refractive index gradient replace the spin electrons and the electronic potential, respectively. Fundamentally, the SHE of light originates from the spin-orbit interaction of photons and depends mainly on two different geometric phases, namely, the spin redirection Rytov-Vlasimirskii-Berry phase in the momentum space and the Pancharatnam-Berry phase in the Stokes parameter space. Meanwhile, the SHE of light exhibits great sensitivity to the physical parameters, and combined with quantum weak measurements, has important application prospects in fields of physical parameters measurement and optical sensing. We briefly analyze the physical origin of the SHE of light, review its recent progress in different physical systems, and present its applications in measurements of physical parameters. Finally, the possible developing trends in optical analog computing, microscopy imaging, and quantum imaging are discussed.
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    A Review on Band Unfolding Technique and Its Applications
    CHEN Jia-xin, CHEN Ming-xing
    Progress in Physics    2023, 43 (2): 25-40.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.02.001
    Abstract2025)      PDF (58451KB)(2000)      
    First-principles methods based on the density-functional theory have been widely applied to investigate structures and properties of materials and further to design new functional materials. The supercell method is usually used for the modeling of doped systems and interfaces. Unfortunately, the use of supercells leads to band foldings. As a result, the nature of electronic bands may be hidden, which brings difficulties in understanding the effects of doping and interfacing on the band structure of materials. This review provides recent advances in band unfolding technique within the plane-wave method and the linear combination of atomic orbitals. It also gives unfolding of phononic bands and lists a number of codes for band unfolding calculations. Finally, it presents a few applications of the technique and an outlook on further research options.
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    Historic Origin of Quantum Entanglement in Particle Physics
    SHI Yu
    Progress in Physics    2023, 43 (3): 57-67.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.03.001
    Abstract1540)      PDF (1284KB)(1452)      

    The historic origin of quantum entanglement in particle physics is studied systematically and in depth. In 1957, Bohm and Aharonov noted that the 1950 Wu-Shaknov experiment had realized the discrete version of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlation. Indeed this experiment was definitely the first experimental realization of spatially separated quantum entanglement in history. Such an experiment had been proposed by Wheeler, as a test of quantum electrodynamics, but his calculation was erroneous. The correct theoretical calculations were made by Ward and Pryce and also by Snyder, Pasternack and Hornbostel. The entangled state of the photons also satisfies the selection rule of C. N. Yang in 1949. After the publication of Bell inequality in 1964, discussions on whether Wu-Shaknov experiment can be exploited in testing the inequality inspired the progress of this field, and a new experiment was done by Wu’s group. In 1957, Lee, Oehme and Yang established the quantum mechanical formulation of the kaons, and discovered that neutral kaon is a two-state system. The following year,Goldhaber, Lee and Yang wrote down entangled states of a pair of kaons for the first time, in which each kaon is allowed to be charged or neutral, as the entanglement in internal degrees of high energy particles beyond photons written down for the first time. In 1960, as an unpublished work, Lee and Yang discussed an entangled state of a pair of neutral kaons. Such entangled kaons widely exist in meson factories later on. Several physicist are also introduced, especially Ward.

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    Gauge Field and Fiber Bundle:Its Contents, Methods, and Meanings 
    ZHAO Song-nian , LU Bo, CHEN Ken, HUANG Xu
    Progress in Physics    2023, 43 (1): 10-24.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.01.002
    Abstract1507)      PDF (708KB)(2328)      
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    Types and Properties of Copper-Oxide Superconductors with Critical Temperatures Above 110 K
    TONG Shu-yun, CAI Chuan-bing
    Progress in Physics    2023, 43 (3): 68-83.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.03.002
    Abstract1366)      PDF (4571KB)(1117)      

    Oxide superconductor is one of the most important forms of unconventional superconductors, in which the transition temperatures of thallium series, mercury series and copper-carbon series superconductors can reach 110 K or above. High superconducting transition temperature and irreversible magnetic field in liquid nitrogen temperature region have attracted much attention. Obviously, the high superconducting critical temperature increases the choice of cooling medium for superconducting applications. Economical and practical coolants are expected to expand the application fields of these high superconducting transition temperature (T) superconductors and increase the feasibility of long-term operation. In this paper, the development and superconducting properties of 110 K superconducting materials including thallium, mercury and copper-carbon superconductors are introduced and summarized, and the factors affecting the superconducting transition temperature are analyzed theoretically to qualitatively explain the reasons for the high T of high temperature superconductors. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the differences of their irreversible fields, and the possible new applications of these high critical temperature superconductors are prospected.

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    Vortex state in a nematic triplet superconductor
    YANG Miao-miao, XIANG Ke, WANG Da, WANG Qiang-hua
    Progress in Physics    2023, 43 (5): 131-141.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.05.001
    Abstract1132)      PDF (452KB)(432)      

    The discovery of nematic triplet superconductivity in doped topological insulators CuxBi2Se3 triggers interest in the identification of the d-vector of the triplet, which is related to the antinodal direction of the gap function and determines whether the superconductor is topological. We perform self-consistent analysis of the vortex state properties in a nematic spin-triplet px-wave superconductor. We first derive a Ginzburg-Landau theory to determine the shape of the vortex and vortex lattice. We find the spatial profile of the isolated vortex is elongated along the antinodal direction, and the vortex lattice is a distorted triangular lattice elongated along x, becoming square in the specific case of a small circular Fermi surface. Finally, we calculate the local density of states self-consistently for an isolated vortex and the vortex lattice using the microscopic Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation. We find that the profile of the local density of states at low in-gap energies is always elongated along the antinodal direction. Our findings are valuable for the experimental detection of the antinodal direction of the gap function in nematic triplet superconductors, and subsequently the identification of the topological character of the superconducting state as in CuxBi2Se3.

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    Research Progress of Passivation Strategies for Perovskite Films
    ZHAO Min, ZHANG Wei-ting, BIAN Hong-tao
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (1): 1-16.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.01.001
    Abstract1053)      PDF (43954KB)(748)      
    Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have been developed as a new photovoltaic technology due to their excellent photoelectric conversion efficiency and low cost of manufacturing. The research of PSCs has been boosted especially in the past ten years, and the performance of PSCs has been greatly improved. However, there are more efforts to be done in this field to push the PSCs into the photovoltaic market. The main problem is caused by the limitations of the perovskite film itself during the manufacturing, where the inevitable existence of defects would seriously affect the number and mobility of carriers in the PSCs. All these defects can restrict the improvement of the efficiency and stability of PSCs. In this review article, we briefly introduce the classification of perovskite and their defects. Different strategies for passivation of perovskite films developed in recent years were summarized accordingly. It is expected that the current study would benefit the researchers in the field of perovskite materials and provide valuable insights for them to choose suitable passivating agents.
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    Perovskite Solar Cells Stability Factors And Encapsulaiton For Performance Enhancement
    DAI Jiaqi, ZHANG Dong, WU Xiaoshan
    Progress in Physics    2024, 44 (1): 19-48.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2024.01.003
    Abstract1020)      PDF (5083KB)(767)      

    Perovskite solar cells, which are considered the third generation of new concept solar cells, are known for their high photoelectric conversion efficiency, low cost, and flexible processing advantages, and have been rapidly development in recent years. its photoelectric conversion efficiency is gradually comparable to that of silicon cells and has been close to the level required for industrial applications. However, the main problem with the industrial application of perovskite solar cells is their stability. Researchers need to solve the biggest problem of how to maintain high efficiency for a long time in perovskite solar cells. Encapsulation is currently being widely studied as a solution to the external stability issue of perovskite solar cells. A good encapsulation can not only solve the stability problem of the device but also ensure the safety of the device and extend the service life. The stability of perovskite solar cells and the conditions for testing it are briefly described in this paper. In the end, the various encapsulation structures, techniques, and materials for perovskite solar cells are explained. The continuous advancement of encapsulation research will lead researchers to optimize and solve existing problems, leading to the eventual industrialization of perovskite solar cells on a large scale. 

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    High-Performance Physiological Signal Sensors Based on Stretchable Organic Electrochemical Transistors
    ZHANG Chen-hong , CHEN Yan-ping , WANG Gang ∗ , ZHANG Qing-hong , LI Yao-gang , WANG Hong-zhi
    Progress in Physics    2023, 43 (1): 1-9.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.01.001
    Abstract961)      PDF (1055KB)(885)      

    Recently, organic electrochemical crystals (OECT) using conjugated polymers as channel materials have become a hot research topic due to their ease of preparation, ionelectron conversion capability and biointerface compatibility. However, most of the reported OECT channel materials for OECT are p-type conjugated polymers (hole transport), while few OECTs have been developed based on n-type conjugated polymers (electron transport), and the unbalanced development hinders the realization of complex complementary circuits. The recently reported n-type Poly (benzimidazobenzophenanthroline) (BBL) OECT of polyconjugated polymers provides an effective solution to the above problem. However, BBL films are inherently brittle and cannot be stretched to meet the use of flexible devices, which greatly hinders their application and development. In this work, we propose the preparation of a device stretchable n-type BBL OECT device and verify its feasibility for sweat sensing.

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    Hydrogen-Based Superconductors under High Pressures
    DU Ming-yang, ZHANG Zi-han, DUAN De-fang, CUI Tian
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (5): 184-192.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.05.002
    Abstract912)      PDF (3042KB)(1980)      

    Achieving room temperature superconductivity has always been the dream of mankind pursuing for a long time. Finding and synthesizing new materials with room temperature superconductivity is the ”Holy Grail” of condensed matter physics. Since the theoretical and experimental discovery of H3S and LaH10 with high superconducting critical temperature above 200 K, the hydrogen-based superconductors became the best candidate for achieving room temperature superconductivity, which is also one of the hot areas of multi-disciplinary research in physics, materials science etc. In this work, we outline the development history of superconductors, introduce several typical superconducting materials, focus on the current progress and challenges of hydrogen based superconductors under high pressures, discuss the design ideas of hydrogen based high-temperature superconductors in the middle and low pressure range, and look forward to the possibility of hydrogen-based superconductors with high critical temperature and even room temperature under low pressure or ambient pressure.

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    Photocurrent Mapping of Two-Dimensional Perovskite Solar Cell
    ZHAO Xiao-xia, TIAN Wen-ming, SUN Zhong-gao, JIN Sheng-ye
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (2): 54-60.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.02.002
    Abstract889)      PDF (751KB)(1528)      
    Developing an interplay between the local morphological character, optoelectronic properties and its local photovoltaic parameters in a perovskite thin film is essential for guiding the construction of highly-efficient perovskite solar cells (PSC). In this work, by using a laserscanned and time-resolved confocal microscopy coupled with a picoammeter detection module, we realize in-situ photoluminescence (PL) intensity, PL lifetime, and photocurrent mappings in a two-dimensional (2D) PSC. A significant negative correlation is found between photocurrent and PL intensity and PL lifetime imaging within grains of the perovskite polycrystalline film. We establish the correlation between local photovoltaic parameters, optoelectronic properties, and morphology character, which provides theoretical guidance for the optimization of PSC performance.
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    Second-Order Nonlinear Optics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
    WU Hui , QIN Chun-bo , ZHANG Chun-feng
    Progress in Physics    2023, 43 (3): 84-95.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.03.003
    Abstract866)      PDF (5051KB)(1222)      

    Second-order nonlinear optics is a crucial technique for light frequency conversion with broad applications in scientific research and technological advancements. Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides exhibit extraordinarily high second-order nonlinear susceptibilities, indicating their significant potential for efficient nonlinear optical response. Maintain the giant nonlinear coefficient of monolayer, expand material thickness and frequency response region, and improve nonlinear response is an important challenge. This paper presents an overview of the regulation of second-order nonlinear optical effects based on monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides. We discuss the frequency dependence of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, as well as multi-layer stacking of different symmetric phases. Additionally, we summarize the potential applications of their nonlinear optical effects. 

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    Experimental Progress in Thermal Hall Conductivity Research on Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems
    XU Hao, CHENG Shu-fan, BAO Song , WEN Jin-sheng
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (5): 159-183.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.05.001
    Abstract805)      PDF (7225KB)(770)      

    Thermal Hall effect (THE) is to describe the phenomenon where heat carriers are deflected by an external magnetic field applied perpendicular to the heat flow, and thus the carriers gain transverse velocity, leading to a finite temperature gradient on the two sides orthogonal to the heat flow and field. THE is predicted to occur in systems with nontrivial Berry curvatures and thus can reveal topological properties, similar to the electrical Hall effect. However, THE is not limited to charge excitations as in the electrical Hall effect, but rather, to all kinds of excitations that are able to conduct heat, making it possible to explore the exotic properties in strongly correlated electronic systems, which are typically insulators. Therefore, THE is more universal than the electrical form and has become a powerful probe in detecting charge-neutral excitations, such as phonons and magnons. Moreover, there are some sources such as chiral phonons, which are beyond a simple nontrivial-Berry-curvature scenario, that can also give rise to THE; examining THE wherein will shed light on the complex microscopic mechanism hidden in materials. Despite these, heat signals are much weaker than electrical ones. Especially for measurements of the thermal Hall conductivity, it is often needed to collect weak signals on top of a large background. This makes measuring the THE challenging—but thanks to the sustained efforts of the community, this field is developing rapidly in recent years, with many interesting results on the measurements of the thermal Hall conductivity. In this review article, we try to summarize some of these exciting accomplishments, point out remaining outstanding issues, and suggest possible future directions. 

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    Self-trapped Excitons in Metal Halide Perovskites 
    ZHANG Qin-kai , WANG Yu-xiao , ZHANG Chun-feng
    Progress in Physics    2023, 43 (6): 161-177.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.06.001
    Abstract776)      PDF (9908KB)(1002)      

    In polar crystals, excited electron-hole pairs can be captured by the deformation potential field created by lattice distortion upon photoexcitation, due to strong electron-phonon interactions, thereby forming self-trapped excitons. Metal halide perovskites are semiconductors that display efficient self-trapped exciton luminescence in various systems due to their ionic crystal nature with strong electron-phonon interactions and a deformable lattice. Consequently, they are considered ideal for creating high-quality white light sources. However, the understanding of the self-trapped exciton luminescence mechanism in metal halide perovskites is still relatively scarce and lags far behind the development of devices. To this end, this paper summarizes the recent research progress on the formation conditions, formation mechanism and related excited state dynamics of self-trapped excitons in metal halide perovskites semiconductors from the perspective of the fundamental physics of self-trapped excitons, and gives an outlook on the future research based on the self-trapped exciton mechanism in this system, so as to provide a clearer physical image for the study of self-trapped excitons in this system

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    Quantum Radar Schemes with Enhanced Accuracy and Its Progress
    LI Yong-qiang , REN Chang-liang
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (2): 61-65.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.02.003
    Abstract771)      PDF (199KB)(1180)      
    As a matter of great concern, positioning tasks can be realized with the help of quantum technologies, and these quantum schemes exhibit advantages that are impossible in classical schemes. Several quantum radar schemes have been proposed, which give new insights for positioning tasks from the perspective of quantum information. This paper reviewed those proposed quantum radar schemes according to the basic concepts and classification Especially, three typical quantum schemes, quantum positioning, quantum illumination, and three-dimensional enhanced quantum radar, were introduced in principle, and analyzed their imperative problems.
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    Thermal Transport Measurements in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems 
    CHENG Shu-fan , XU Hao , BAO Song , WEN Jin-sheng
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (6): 207-231.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.06.002
    Abstract764)      PDF (11873KB)(659)      

    When taking into account the electronic correlations such as the onsite Coulomb repulsion and coupling between electrons, spins and orbitals, many fascinating novel quantum states beyond the free-electron framework can emerge, e.g., unconventional superconductiviity and quantum spin liquids. The understanding of these new states not only will expand the existing territory of our knowledge, but also likely lead to revolution in quantum science and technology. Therefore, studying the strongly correlated physics is a cutting-edge theme in condensed matter physics. The parent state of cuprate high-temperature superconductors is a Mott insulator, an insulating state due to the strong electronic correlation, whereas the band theory predicts it to be metallic. Due to the Coulomb gap in Mott insulators, the charge degree of freedom is often frozen, which makes electrical transport measurements inapplicable. As a probe sensitive to the elementary excitations of quasiparticles not limited to electrons, but also including magnons, spinons, as well as phonons, thermal transport measurements play an important role in the study of strongly correlated electronic systems. In this paper, we review some of the recent interesting results on unconventional superconductors, heavy fermions and quantum spin liquids utilizing the longitudinal thermal transport measurements, complimentary to our recent review article on the progress of the transverse thermal conductivity measurements on the thermal Hall effect. 

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    Excited-State Dynamics of Large-Sized Thiolate-Protected Au n ( n>100) Nanoclusters
    ZHOU Meng
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (1): 17-26.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.01.002
    Abstract758)      PDF (5921KB)(553)      
    Gold nanoclusters (size< 2.2 nm) bridge metallic gold nanoparticles and single gold atoms, playing a crucial role in revealing the origin of surface plasmon resonance and metallic bonding. Ligand-protected gold nanoclusters provide a suitable platform to understand metal to non-metal transitions while the excited-state dynamics of gold nanoclusters in the transition regime remain elusive. In this minireview, I summarize the excite-state dynamics of large-sized Aun (n>100) nanoclusters and compare them with those of plasmonic gold nanoparticles. By looking into the electron and vibration dynamics of a series of thiolate-protected gold nanoclusters in the transition regime, the electronic structures of these nanoclusters are further discussed. A deeper understanding of the mechanism of electron relaxation and energy dissipation of large-sized gold nanoclusters will be of great help to connect the optical properties of metal clusters and nanoparticles, which will further promote the design of those functional nanomaterials.
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    Environmental Stability of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
    ZHOU Zhen-jia , XU Jie , GAO Li-bo
    Progress in Physics    2023, 43 (4): 97-116.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.04.001
    Abstract736)      PDF (837KB)(934)      

    Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) with a unique unity of favorable electronic and mechanical properties have been developed for fundamental studies and applications in electronics, spintronics, optoelectronics, energy harvesting and catalysis. However, as they are unstable under harsh conditions, and prone to degradation in the ambient environment, most TMDCs applications are limited. In this review, we analyze the recent advances in the research of environmental stability in TMDCs, covering the latest growth methods, the fundamental mechanisms for stability and kinds of routes to protect 2D TMDCs materials from aging and deterioration. By analyzing key factors that affect TMDCs stability from the growth process, we present a short review of optimizing growth methods for improving the stability of TMDCs. Finally, by providing insights into existing factors, this review is expected to guide the growth of stable TMDCs, which could lead to a new potential approach to growing advanced materials and designing more unexplored heterostructures. 

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    Probing the Electronic Structure and Dimensionality Tuning of Ce-Based Heavy Fermion Materials
    WU Yi , LI Peng , WU Zhong-zheng , FANG Yuan , LIU Yang
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (3): 96-120.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.03.002
    Abstract710)      PDF (2002KB)(1684)      
    Heavy fermion compound is a classical type of correlated materials, encompassing unconventional superconductivity, strange metal, quantum criticality, magnetic order, heavy electronic states, correlated topological states, etc, in which 4f electrons play a critical role. With the advancement of high-resolution ARPES measurements and MBE thin film growth techniques, direct observation of the band dispersion and spectral weight of 4f electrons in momentum/energy space has become possible, providing spectroscopic insight for understanding correlated electronic states and novel quantum phenomena. In this review paper, we summarized the electronic studies of several typical heavy fermion compounds and thin films, including Ce-115 families, CuCu2Si2, CeRh6Ge4 and Ce films, etc. The experimental results provide direct evidence to understand the temperature evolution of heavy electronic states, energy/moment-dependent Kondo hybridization, the interplay of heavy electronic state with superconductivity, the competition between Kondo effect with other quantum states and the dimensionality tuning of 4f electrons.
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    Development Status of Topological Superfluid in Ultracold Atoms
    FENG Jian, ZHANG Wei-wei, LIN Liang-wei, CAI Qi-peng, ZHANG Yi-cai, LIU Chao-fei
    Progress in Physics    2022, 42 (3): 67-95.   DOI: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2022.03.001
    Abstract697)      PDF (1246KB)(1936)      
    The topological superfluid state is protected by the energy gap in the bulk, but it can accommodate the gapless Majorana fermions at the edge of the system. The Majorana fermions satisfy non-Abelian statistics and are protected by topology and have good stability, they can carry quantized information and can be used in the study of topological quantum computing. In recent years, theoretical work has predicted the possible topological superfluid states in various systems. Firstly, we introduce the topological superfluid in various optical lattice models. The ultracold atoms of optical lattice have good controllability and universality. It is an ideal model system to realize topological superfluid. Next, we introduce the topological superfluid under the control of spin orbit coupling. The spin orbit coupling effect is an important condition to induce the topological phase, and the artificial spin orbit coupling has been realized in the experiment. Which makes a breakthrough for the experimental observation of topological superfluid. With the improvement of experimental technology in recent years, the topological FFLO superfluid phase, which was difficult to observe in the experiment and ignored by people, has also become a research hotspot. Therefore, we next introduce the topological FFLO superfluid. In addition, we also introduce the progress in other aspects of topological superfluid, including topological superfluid induced by soliton, three-component topological superfluid, topological superfluid with large Chern number, and the high critical temperature of topological superfluid. In the experiment, how to detect and implement topological superfluid is the purpose and significance of our research. Therefore, we introduce the identification and implementation of topological superfluid at the end of the article.
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