物理学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 157-182.doi: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2024.04.001

所属专题: 2024年, 第44卷

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蔡启鹏1, 张伟伟1, 林良伟1, 许益广1, 陈紫轩,1 王小生1, 于海鹏1, 方小红1, 张义财2, 刘超飞1   

  1. 1. 江西理工大学理学院,赣州 341000; 2. 广州大学物理与电子工程学院,广州 510006
  • 出版日期:2024-08-20 发布日期:2024-08-19
  • 基金资助:
    自然科学基金项目 (No.12375014、 No.11875149)、江西省青年井冈学者计划以及江西理工 大学清江拔尖人才计划

The Research Progress on One-Dimensional Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas

CAI Qi-peng1 , ZHANG Wei-wei1 , LIN Liang-wei 1, XU Yi-guang1, CHEN Zi-xuan1, WANG Xiao-sheng1 , YU Hai-peng1 , FANG Xiao-hong1, ZHANG Yi-cai2, LIU Chao-fei1   

  • Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-08-19


在超冷费米气体中,通过调节自旋轨道耦合的强度,使其与费米能量相当,可以产生许多 新奇的量子效应。在过去几十年里,学者对于一维自旋轨道耦合诱导的费米气体进行了大量的理 论和实验研究。与高维自旋轨道耦合相比,一维自旋轨道耦合虽然显得比较简单,但它是实验上 探索基本量子物理现象的最可靠和最易行的工具。本文系统地整理了理论工作中一维自旋轨道耦 合下费米气体的有趣物理现象。包括动力学振荡和孤子效应、拓扑超流、Majorana 边缘态、铁磁 相变和量子相位方面的理论研究。在实验中,如何实现自旋轨道耦合并且观测奇异现象,是研究 的热点和难点问题。我们梳理了几种常见的实验方案和检测方法,最后对一维自旋轨道耦合诱导 下费米气体方面的研究进行展望。一维自旋轨道耦合可以为初学者提供借鉴,有助于研究自旋轨 道耦合调控的多体系统。本文期望为冷原子物理初学者深入理解自旋轨道耦合下多体系统的物理 机制提供参考。

关键词: 自旋轨道耦合;费米气体;动力学振荡;孤子;拓扑超流;Majorana 边缘态;铁磁相 变;量子相位 


In ultracold Fermi gases, by adjusting the strength of spin orbit coupling to match Fermi energy, many novel quantum effects can be generated. In the past few decades, scholars have conducted extensive theoretical and experimental research on Fermi gases induced by one-dimensional spin orbit coupling. Compared with high-dimensional spin orbit coupling, one-dimensional spin orbit coupling, although relatively simple, is the most reliable and feasible tool for exploring basic quantum physical phenomena in experiments. This paper systematically summarizes the interesting physical phenomena of Fermi gas under one-dimensional spin orbit coupling in theoretical work. Including theoretical research on dynamic oscillation and soliton effect, topological superfluid, Majorana edge state, ferromagnetic phase transition, and quantum phase. How to achieve spin orbit coupling and observe singular phenomena in experiments is a hot and difficult research topic. We summarize several common experimental schemes and detection methods. Finally, we look forward to the research on Fermi gas induced by one-dimensional spin orbit coupling. One dimensional spin orbit coupling can provide reference for abecedarians and contribute to the study of multi body system regulated by spin orbit coupling. This paper aims to provide a reference for abecedarians in cold atomic physics to gain a deeper understanding of the physical mechanisms of multi-body systems under spin orbit coupling.

Key words: spin orbit coupling, Fermi gas, dynamic oscillation, soliton, topological superfluid; Majorana edge state, ferromagnetic phase transition, quantum phase
