物理学进展 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 98-118.

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  • 发布日期:2020-10-12

Quantum storage of orbital angular momentum states

  • Published:2020-10-12

摘要: 轨道角动量(OAM) 光束在精密测量、微小粒子的操控以及基础物理研究等领域具有重要的 应用。基于OAM 编码的光信息处理由于其大信道容量的优点成为经典和量子通信领域的研究热 点,并已在近几年取得了许多突破性进展。在量子信息领域,量子中继是克服通信保真度随传输距 离呈指数衰减、实现长距离量子通信的关键技术,其中用于存储量子信息的光量子存储器是组成量 子中继的关键器件。尽管人们已成功实现了编码于偏振、路径、time bin 等自由度的量子态的存 储,然而到2013 年以前,存储编码于OAM 自由度的量子态的量子存储器仍未实现。近年来我们 研究组一直专注于OAM 量子态的存储实验研究。本文在概述了量子存储器的各项性能标准后,着 重介绍我们组在OAM量子态存储方面取得的一系列研究进展:包括OAM 量子比特(qubit) 和量 子三维态(qutrit)、二维和高维OAM 纠缠态以及包含OAM 自由度的超纠缠和杂化纠缠的量子存 储。这些进展为未来构建高维量子信息网络奠定坚实的基础。 史

关键词: 量子存储,轨道角动量,量子存储,原子系综,量子信息

Abstract: Light carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) has many exciting applications in the studies of fun- damental quantum physics, optical manipulation and trapping of particles, astrophysics, high-precision optical measurements and optical communication both in classical and quantum elds, etc. In quantum information eld, a photon encoded with information in its OAM degrees of freedom enables networks to carry signi cantly more information and increase their capacity greatly due to the inherent in nite degrees of freedom for OAM. In order to realize a long-distance quantum communication, quantum repeaters have to be used to overcome the problem of communication delity decreasing exponentially with the channel length for, where, quantum memories for photons, used for storing quantum informa- tion, are key components of a quantum repeater. So far, there are many works reporting on storing quantum states encoded in for example degree of polarization, path, time bin, etc, however, there have been very few works realizing the storage of OAM states. During the past years, our group has been focusing on the experimental realization of quantum memories for OAM states. In this review, after brie y introducing the main benchmarks for quantum memories, we will show a series of im- portant progresses achieved along this research direction in our group, including the storage of OAM qubit and qutrit, of OAM entanglement in a two-dimensional and a high-dimensional space, of hyper- entanglement and hybrid entanglement consisting of OAM and other degree of freedom. We believe that all results are very promising for realizing a high-dimensional quantum network in the future.

Key words: quantum stor