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    20 December 2023, Volume 43 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Self-trapped Excitons in Metal Halide Perovskites 
    ZHANG Qin-kai , WANG Yu-xiao , ZHANG Chun-feng
    2023, 43 (6):  161-177.  doi: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.06.001
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    In polar crystals, excited electron-hole pairs can be captured by the deformation potential field created by lattice distortion upon photoexcitation, due to strong electron-phonon interactions, thereby forming self-trapped excitons. Metal halide perovskites are semiconductors that display efficient self-trapped exciton luminescence in various systems due to their ionic crystal nature with strong electron-phonon interactions and a deformable lattice. Consequently, they are considered ideal for creating high-quality white light sources. However, the understanding of the self-trapped exciton luminescence mechanism in metal halide perovskites is still relatively scarce and lags far behind the development of devices. To this end, this paper summarizes the recent research progress on the formation conditions, formation mechanism and related excited state dynamics of self-trapped excitons in metal halide perovskites semiconductors from the perspective of the fundamental physics of self-trapped excitons, and gives an outlook on the future research based on the self-trapped exciton mechanism in this system, so as to provide a clearer physical image for the study of self-trapped excitons in this system

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    Research Processes on Theoretical Simulation for the X-ray Spectrum in Photoionization Experiment on High Power Laser Facility
    HAN Bo
    2023, 43 (6):  178-187.  doi: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.06.002
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    Photoionized plasma is an important form of plasma in the universe, which is produced by some high-energy celestial bodies emitting strong radiation fields to irradiate the surrounding thin plasma. With the development of high energy density physics, the photoionized plasma can be produced in laboratory. In 2009, Fujioka et al. used the GEKKO-XII laser facility to produce photoionzed Si plasma, and observed X-ray spectrum similar to that in astrophysical environment. This paper reviews the main theoretical simulation results for the experimental X-ray spectrum since this photoionization experiment, and proposes the future research direction on the photoionized plasma. This review aims to provide a reference for researchers in related fields and deepen their understanding of the physical mechanism of photoionized plasma

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    Attractor Dynamics in Spatial Cognition
    WANG Zi-qun , WANG Tao , LIU Feng
    2023, 43 (6):  188-201.  doi: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.06.003
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    The mammalian navigation system comprises various kinds of neurons responsible for position perception and spatial path planning, involving the integration of multiple information sources. As a unified brain theory capable of providing explanations for complex cognitive functions like memory and decision-making, the theory of attractor dynamics can elucidate the firing dynamics of neurons and path integration in the navigation system. This review describes recent advances in attractor dynamics in spatial cognition. First, it provides a brief overview of computational neuroscience and the general theory of attractor dynamics. Subsequently, focusing on the continuous attractor dynamics, it delves into the dynamical characteristics and functional significance of head direction cells and grid cells. Finally, an extension and prospects of the attractor theory for spatial cognition are presented.

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