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    20 August 2021, Volume 41 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Study of the Synthesis of Super Heavy Nuclei Based on Dinuclear System
    WANG Yi-peng, GUO Shu-qing, BAO Xiao-jun, DENG Jun-gang, ZHANG Hong-fei
    2021, 41 (4):  157-169.  doi: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2021.04.001
    PDF (1138KB) ( 1730 )  

    This review firstly introduces two low energy heavy ion reaction mechanisms. Then, based on these theories, we have developed a dinuclear system model describing the synthesis of super heavy nuclear. Different from Adamian’s calculation method, we solve the master equation numerically to describe the heavy ion fusion mechanism. This review chooses 1D to 3D different macroscopic degrees of freedom to illustrate the fusion of heavy ions, focusing on the development and evolution of the master equation during the fusion process, and providing a theoretical basis for further development of models and predictions of new nuclides in the future.

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    A Brief History of Solid State Physics
    SHI Feng , HAN Xiu-jun , ZHANG Ling-cui , XU Yue , ZHANG Chuan-jiang
    2021, 41 (4):  170-187.  doi: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2021.04.002
    PDF (446KB) ( 6437 )  

    The study of many-body problems in solid-state physics is an important branch of physics, covering a wide range of areas, and it is also the basis of many technical disciplines including materials science. This article discusses the brief history of the development of solid state physics, including the initial development history, the study of thermal properties, Weidmann-Franz law, the study history of the microscopic geometric structure of crystals, the free electron gas model, the energy band theory of solids, and the The research of solid magnetism, the information age, the development of solid state physics in China, and the teaching materials of solid state physics, etc., briefly describe the major events in the development of solid state physics, and the influential scientists and their contributions.

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