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    20 February 2021, Volume 41 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Interface-like Films: A Review of 2D Organic Semiconducting Crystals
    Pei Meng-Jiao, Li Ya-Ting, Lu Kua-Kua, Zhang Bo-Rui, Wang Hang-Zhi, Li Yun, Shi Yi
    2021, 41 (1):  1-38.  doi: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2021.01.001
    PDF (48331KB) ( 1037 )  

    Since the first discovery of conductive phenomena in polyacetylene, organic semiconductors (OSCs) with the conjugated structure are expected to show their broad prospects as the basic components in various advanced electronic devices in the coming post-silicon era. A large variety of functional OSCs can be obtained by low-cost and simple deposition techniques to exhibit remarkable mechanical flexibility. Hence, they have attracted abundant attention in both academia and industry for decades. Clarifying the structure-property relationship, probing the carrier transport behavior, and realizing high-performance optoelectronic devices with novel functions have been the cornerstones for the sustainable development of organic electronics. In recent years, two-dimensional (2D) OSCs with highly ordered molecular packing and disorder-free structures can be remarkably regarded as the interface-like films, which potentially overcome the bottlenecks of traditional bulk materials. Specifically, OSCs provide an excellent platform for basic researches, and also act as the ideal materials for various emerging optoelectronics, which are promising to bring revolutionary breakthroughs to the micro/nano electronics. In this review article, the recent progresses in the deposition techniques, charge transport behaviors, functional applications, and perspectives with 2D OSCs are discussed. This review aims to provide guidance for the furtherance of fundamental studies, combining organic materials with advanced technologies to promote the development of organic electronics.

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    MAX phase:Synthesis, Structure and Property
    Tian Li, Fu Chao, Li Yue-Ming, Fan Xiao-Xing, Wang En-Ge, Zhao Guo-Rui
    2021, 41 (1):  39-61.  doi: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2021.01.002
    PDF (26993KB) ( 1671 )  
    MAX phase ceramics have a unique crystal structure in which MX sheets and A-element layers are alternately stacked, so that it has both the excellent characteristics of metal and ceramics. They exhibit high electrical and thermal conductivities, and are machinable. And at the same time, they are resistant to oxidation and corrosion, and elastic stiff. They are attracting more and more attention in the past 20 years with their potential widely applications. In this paper, some research work on MAX phase and MXenes materials are reviewed. Firstly, recent discoveries on the newly MAX phases and their preparation method are introduced. Then, from the physical-property perspective, the research progress on the elastic, electrical, thermal and magnetic properties and radiation resistance of typical MAX phases is reviewed. In addition, a further introduction of MXene, which is a two-dimensional derivative of MAX phases, and its synthesis, characterization, properties and its application in electrochemical energy storage and in catalysis is presented. Finally, important future research directions are discussed. These include charting the unknown regions in phase diagrams to discover new MAX phases, exploring their unknown special physical properties, studying 2D derivative MXene, as well as researching their synthesis, characterization, and potential applications.
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