Quantum storage of orbital angular momentum states
2017, 37 (3):
PDF (6644KB)
Light carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) has many exciting applications in the studies of fun-
damental quantum physics, optical manipulation and trapping of particles, astrophysics, high-precision
optical measurements and optical communication both in classical and quantum elds, etc. In quantum
information eld, a photon encoded with information in its OAM degrees of freedom enables networks
to carry signi cantly more information and increase their capacity greatly due to the inherent in nite
degrees of freedom for OAM. In order to realize a long-distance quantum communication, quantum
repeaters have to be used to overcome the problem of communication delity decreasing exponentially
with the channel length for, where, quantum memories for photons, used for storing quantum informa-
tion, are key components of a quantum repeater. So far, there are many works reporting on storing
quantum states encoded in for example degree of polarization, path, time bin, etc, however, there
have been very few works realizing the storage of OAM states. During the past years, our group has
been focusing on the experimental realization of quantum memories for OAM states. In this review,
after brie
y introducing the main benchmarks for quantum memories, we will show a series of im-
portant progresses achieved along this research direction in our group, including the storage of OAM
qubit and qutrit, of OAM entanglement in a two-dimensional and a high-dimensional space, of hyper-
entanglement and hybrid entanglement consisting of OAM and other degree of freedom. We believe
that all results are very promising for realizing a high-dimensional quantum network in the future.
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