物理学进展 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 220-238.

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  • 发布日期:2020-10-12

Thermal metamaterial: Geometric structure, working mechanism, and novel function

Huang Ji-Ping   

  • Published:2020-10-12

摘要: 因为在热保护、热探测和热管理领域存在重要的应用价值,自由操控宏观热流一直是人类的 一个梦想。热超构材料正是为此目的应运而生,它是电磁超构材料在热学领域的延伸。在此,我将 综述该领域自2008 年诞生以来取得的若干研究进展,其将主要包括以下新奇热现象或功能器件: 热隐身;热聚集;热旋转;宏观热二极管;热伪装;热透明;热晶体;环境温差中零能耗保温;宏 观热网络中反常热传导;热对流隐身、聚集、伪装;热辐射制冷。我将介绍与之相关的微观或宏观 传热机制,这些机制可以通过以下理论或方法来理解或阐述:变换热学理论、Laplace 方程、热声 子能带理论、相变理论、变换热对流理论、热辐射制冷理论。我也将介绍这些材料从基础研究到工 业应用的发展前景。

关键词: 热超构材料;隐身斗篷;聚集器;旋转器;二极管;伪装;透明;恒温器;热晶体;辐 射制冷

Abstract: How to freely control heat transfer at macroscopic scale is always a dream of human beings due to important applications in thermal protection, detection, and control/management. Within the past decade (2008-2018), thermal metamaterials have been shown as a promising candidate for this purpose. Here, I review the up-to-date research progress in the field, which mainly includes the following novel phenomena and functional devices together with initial applications: thermal cloak, concentrator, dual function, thermal rotator, macroscopic thermal diode, thermal camouflage, thermal transparency, thermal crystal, energy-free thermostat, abnormal conduction in networks, convection cloak/concentrator/camouflage, and thermal radiation cooling. The underlying mechanisms are presented according to six categories of theory: transformation thermotics, direct solution of Laplace equation, energy band theory, phase transition theory, transformation thermal convection, and thermal radiation theory. I also introduce and comment their prospects from fundamental research to industrial applications. This review has relevance to novel controls of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation) by using artificial structures or devices.

Key words: thermal metamaterial; cloak; concentrator; rotator; diode; camouflage; transparency; thermostat; thermocrystal; radiative cooling