物理学进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 117-130.doi: 10.13725/j.cnki.pip.2023.04.002

所属专题: 2024年, 第44卷

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  1. 1. 青岛理工大学理学院,青岛 266525; 2. 青岛理工大学信息与控制工程学院,青岛 266525
  • 出版日期:2023-08-20 发布日期:2023-08-21

Research Progress on Single-Mode Regulation Methods for Whispering Gallery Mode Microcavities

  1. 1. Qingdao University of Technology, School of Science, Qingdao 266525; 2. Qingdao University of Technology, School of Information and Control Engineering, Qingdao 266525
  • Online:2023-08-20 Published:2023-08-21


回音壁模式微腔因模式体积小、超高 Q 值和低阈值的优点得到了广泛的关注,但是在旋 转对称的回音壁微腔中会产生多纵模激光辐射,并且辐射的方向性较差,在实际应用中受到限制, 寻求有效方法实现回音壁激光的单模辐射是微腔激光器走向实际应用的关键问题。本综述重点阐 述了近年来回音壁激光单模调控的几种方法,包括减小腔体尺寸、外加选模结构、基于游标效应、 基于宇称时间对称性破缺、变形微腔等,并对单模回音壁激光的发展前景进行了展望。通过本综 述以期为相关领域研究人员提供参考,深入理解回音壁激光单模调控的物理机理。

关键词: 回音壁微腔;单模式调控;游标效应;宇称时间对称性;变形微腔 


Whispering gallery mode (WGM) microcavities have attracted wide attention due to their small mode volume, ultra-high Q value, and low threshold. However, in rotationally symmetric WGM microcavities, multiple longitudinal mode laser radiation can be generated, and the directionality of the radiation is poor, which limits its practical applications. Finding effective methods to achieve single-mode radiation of WGM lasers is a key issue for microcavity lasers to move toward practical applications. This review focuses on several methods of single-mode modulation of WGM lasing in recent years, including reducing cavity size, adding mode selection structure, based on the vernier effect, parity-time symmetry breaking, deformed microcavity, etc. This review aims to provide a reference for researchers in related fields and deepen their understanding of the physical mechanism of single-mode modulation of WGM lasing.

Key words:  WGM, single-mode regulation, vernier effect, parity-time symmetry, deformed microcavity
